Destination Asheville

DI’ve been traveling the past few days getting back home to Asheville from West Palm, so I’m playing catch up with the A to Z challenge this morning!  I left an 80 degree day in Florida on Monday afternoon to arrive at a chilly spring day in NC.  It’s funny, but after spending the better part of 3 months in the tropics, it amazes me on how fast you get used to your surroundings.  Especially in South Florida, where it’s hot, humid and FLAT.

As my flight took me closer and closer to the Blue Ridge Mountains, I looked out the window and marveled at the majestic peaks and valleys and the beauty of the area that I was returning home to.

Of course, Florida is beautiful too and when I arrived last January I thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of the airport terminal into the gentle tropical breeze,  with sunshine and swaying palm trees.

I truly feel blessed and appreciate that I can enjoy the best of both these worlds!  nc-mountain-banner

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2 Responses to Destination Asheville

  1. Betty Fox says:

    yes, you are fortunate—-enjoying your posts–

  2. brucenconnie says:

    Can’t wait to get there in June!

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